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Mansfield Bowling Club

2024 Winners
President Dawn presented the trophies at South Forest. After 25 weeks competition Paul was the winner of the Alan Bridge Indoor cup. Phil Parking defeated Tony Browne on the last match coming back from 8-2 down to win the runners up trophy. Not to be outdone Janet Parkin was the leading lady..

The winner of this year's Tiggy Tye Tuesday cup is Julie Wilson. Congratulations.

Many congratulations to Avril McGee who has won the cribbage trophy for 2024. There were only 4 points separating the top four.

Congratulations to team 2. Paul Bagnall, Jill Chub, Pat Kendall, Mike Lake and Martin Smith needing a win to ensure that team 10, Peter McGee's , team didn't over take them won in style to become this years Indoor League winners. Peter's team finally had to settle for runners up.

Runners up team 10

Tudur Rees Competition
On an afternoon when the weather gods relented and bowling was possible the Tudur Rees mixed pairs took place on our immaculate green. After some excellent Bowling the two group winners were announced by Neil. Kathryn and Shaun played the final against Jill and Stuart. 3 apiece after 5 ends the final end was won by Jill and Stuart by the closest of margins. Neil again with drop outs and none attending players managed in his normal calm manner to sort out the competition. Linda was the scorer while Eleanor and Fiona managed the bar and kitchen. President Dawn presented the trophies and thanked everyone for taking part. An excellent afternoon.

Congratulations to Jill who won the George Burke competition today her first ladies singles trophy 🏆 👏 another new winner this year brilliant !!! Congratulations to Hazel for making the final was great to watch. Well done to everyone who took part today. And thank you to everyone involved with running the event 😊

Congratulations to Malc who fought back from 3 ends down to beat Mike in the final of the Glenmore Slack Men's singles. Neil and Linda ran an excellent competition watched by a lively group of members. It was nice to see Graham down.

Bowl In Hand Competition
A big thank you to Linda and all the helpers who worked so hand in the heat to ensure that the Bowl in hand trophy went well. Congratulations to Aidan and Stuart who bowled superbly to win. Much to their astonishment Trevor and Michael were runners up.

Sam Savidge Veterans Competition
Congratulations to Jill who beat David in the Veterans final. Despite all the mistakes of the competitors Neil steered the competition through to an exciting conclusion. Well done Tony and Mike who reached the semi final.The event couldn't happen without members volunteering to act as Stickmen, so a big thanks to those who supported the club. President Dawn managed the recording. A very pleasant afternoon.

David Taylor Trophy

The Annual match against the QE Academy once again proved to be a delightful competition. Many thanks to all the members and parents who stood in at short notice. Although we lost on two rinks thanks to great bowling by the pupils we have been coaching the standards this year were exceptional.
On a personal level it was a joy to watch the daughter of a pupil I taught several decades ago displaying her mothers love of sport. Mark presented President Dawn with the Trophy. MBC won 46-29.
Thanks to Jan Cooper and Eleanor for the drinks and biscuits. Again without the backing of the club's coaches the event couldn't work.
Terry Savidge Trophy

At last a warm evening and a chance to hold the club's junior competitions. The U11 Cup was won in dramatic fashion by Evie who had been 8-2 down against Connie and fought back with the help of a trailed jack and 4 shots to win by one shot. Our newest member Oliver after 4 Saturday sessions ran Joe a close second to take the runners up trophy.
Congratulations to Ollie and Oscar for taking part and bowling so well after their long layoff.
Immediate Past President Trevor presented the trophies. As can be seen the support for our young members was fantastic.
Thanks to Mick, Sammi and Chris for sticking and Hazel Tiggy and Eleanor for keeping us all fed and watered.

President's Pairs Cup
Congratulations to President Dawn for producing such a successful Charity Day. The support from members, too many to mention individually, was wonderful ensuring that we all had an enjoyable day and The Air Ambulance fund increased considerably. Neil ran a very well managed and hic up free round Robin competition. Kathryn Henshaw and Greg won their group to reach the final where they played against Chris and Mike . The latter coming out the winners after a well fought final. Dave Strawther umpired the match which was watched by many of the members. The meal after the event was superb.

County under 25s winner.
Sammi won the under 25s Ladies County Competition today 25 - 14 beating Lucy. Massive well done.

League Achievement
Congratulations to Jane Hurst & Jill Czubkowski on receiving their HOTSHOT Badge & Certificate for scoring 8 shots on a single end in the League. They both played exceptional against Titchfield .

Junior Pairs Competition
The competitors taking part in last night's junior pairs competition displayed astonishing skills. Joe and Oscar were the winners with Ollie and Evie the runners up. Connie and Oliver bowled well in their matches without the rub of the green. The support from members angrd parents was superb. Thanks to Olivers family who provided cakes for us all. It was a joyous evening. I'm certain that the juniors playing in the Nationals at Skegness on 17th August will be a credit to the club. The work done by the greens team members must be commended as even our youngest members had no difficulty in bowling a full length.

Malkinson County Competition
Well done to the ladies who played today. I thought at one time we might win, but again it was not to be. It was a cracking afternoon, with some good bowling and good weather to match. MBC 57 DUKERIES 75.

A lovely afternoon for the Cheryl Crowe Cup Pairs Competition, we just missed the rain. Congratulations to the winner's Sammi Hurst & Christine Bagnall ( her 1st trophy ) 🏆. Great to see new winners this year. Congratulations to Kathryn Henshaw & Christine King the runners up. Some brilliant bowling on display today well done everyone who took part 👏 thank you to Neil for organising & running the Competition. Thank you to Judith who made us beautiful cakes. Also thank you to everyone who was in the kitchen & bar 😊 Chris Walker thanks for a fantastic green to play on.


Pearson Trips
All the teams who played 28 ends in 28 degree heat must be commended not only on their stamina but also the quality of their bowling. After numerous very competitive games Sylvia, Tony and David were this year's winners of The Pearson Triples. A very close 2nd were Joe Paul and Neil. The afternoon was made more bearable by the summer fruits and ice cream. President Dawn managed the scoring and presented the trophy.

Pogmore Pairs Competition
The Pogmore Pairs Winners Peter and Chris being presented with their trophies by Vice President Richard with runners up Phil and Malc.

Skegness County National Finals
Our juniors were amazing at the National Finals and gave Norfolk a run for their victory. Greg Harlow and County President Dave Adams (pictured with our club members) were full of praise . Especially impressive Oliver with only 8 weeks bowling and Connie and Evie who where 15 years younger than the opposition. Liam was fantastic after 18 months without bowling while Sammi and Joe played brilliantly against top quality opposition. The support from parents and members was wonderful.

Past President's Competition
Congratulations to Mike who won the Past Presidents competition today 👏 the runner up was Tiggy well done 👏 thank you to all who took part and everyone involved with the running of the event 😀

The Fun Day was a really enjoyable event despite the wind. Cheryl and Judith produced great Burgers which were much appreciated, while the catering team and our bakers gave us a tasty range of cakes and scones. Trevor Livings ran the games supported by Andy and Russ. Jill won the target, Martin the Wedge and Mike the 2m ditch . Stuart won the Bar Skittles.
Hazel won the Spider.
Martin and Christine King won their group and Stuart and Christine Donovantheirs not dropping a point on the way to the final.
Martin and Christine were clear winners 🏆 The winners shared a 1st place prize of £50.00.
Chris Walker Jill and members put up the bunting.
Hazel's raffle raised well over £120.00.
The bar was Also well patronised.
Vice President Richard purchased all the unsold cakes which he generously distributed amongst the numerous very cold and windswept spectators.
After paying out the prize money and expenses a most enjoyable afternoon produced a profit of £268.00
Richard thanked all the spectators for support the Day.

Novice Cup
Congratulations to our newest member, Andy Wood who beat Joe Donovan in the final of The Novices Cup.The members gave great support to the event with numerous stick people, spectators a bar and numerous cups of tea.Neil had a full turnout of competitors and for once was able to enjoy the afternoon.

Lake/Allwood Competition
A superb turn out of 36 members participated in the Lake / Allwood final today. The Gentlemen won on 5 rinks with an overall score of 126 - 71. I saw some super bowling by our Ladies today and they should be proud of their valiant effort. That said well done to the Gentlemen. Thank-you to everyone behind the scenes who helped and to the players for making it a successful day.

League winner's
Team Captain Richard and the members of the winning League team. We would like to express our appreciation for the "thank you gifts" Richard presented to all the A team. Let's see how we get on in Division 1 next season. Hopefully the B team will gain promotion and join us after having come so close this year.

County Celebration Day

Sir John Eastwood Trophy League Match
Despite a valiant effort by Team "A" today ,we lost to Worksop
by 83 - 63 points. We managed to win on 2 rinks , losing on 2.
What a great end to a fantastic season by all our players, as Worksop are the top of division 1 we should have no fear of anyone next season. I must say thank you to all the club members who came and supported us today, including a lot of players from team "B", and board members It was much appreciated by all the team. Thank you to all the team who donated their winnings ( £30 ) to the club funds.
Myself looking as modest as ever

Finals Day
A wonderful Finals Day was enhanced not only by the glorious late summer afternoon but also by the many members who turned up to support the finalists
The Champion Mens Club Bowler was Paul Sanderson who defeated Trevor to win the Brace Cup and become the 2024 Mens singles champion. The Blanksby Handicap was won by Phil Parkin who defeated Jane. Malc was the winner of The Redfern 4 Woods getting the better of Chris Walker. The success of the afternoon was made possible by those members who volunteered to stick, score, serve tea and man the bar.

Very well done to the Dawson bowl finalists today, and a huge thanks to the few supporters who came along to support Judith and Jill. It was a good game which was won by Judith Ford. Well done to both players. X

Don Wright Trophy
A great turnout of members who were prepared for a wet Closing of The Green instead enjoyed an afternoon of glorious sunshine. Neil, Jane and Jill were worthy winners with Trevor, Martin and Matt runners up.

The Ball Bowl Trophy
Not only winning the Don Wright Trophy but also the recipient of Ball Bowl. An annual award made to the member who has given outstanding service to the club. Neil has organised our club competitions for many years and despite every conceivable obstacle has always delivered successful enjoyable events. As Neil is unable to attend the Presentation Dinner,President Dawn felt that the Closing of the Green would be an appropriate occasion to acknowledge his outstanding contribution.

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